Town Hall Meeting in the Park

The annual Town Hall Meeting in the Park takes place this coming Thursday evening, July 19,  weather permitting. Cindy Drive Park … off Parnell and Wilcher Drive is the chosen location … the same area as used for the Star Gazing Night. Beginning at 7:00 PM, this is your opportunity to share an informal meeting with Grantham Ward Councillors Bill Phillips and Dawn Dodge, to be made aware of the issues facing City Council, to add your thoughts and opinions and to ask those questions that may have been buuzzing about in the back of your mind.

It’s a “Bring your own Chair’ event  and a fine time to hear what other Grantham Ward residents are thinking. Hope to see you there!!

Other news … 

‘Strolls” in each of the WCNA Parks with members of the City’s Accessibility Committee are underway. It is an education to be made aware of the obstacles and hazards handicapped and mobility challenged folks face in seeking to enjoy the many opportunities the Parks can provide. Whether it be the width and surface  of the pathways causing difficulties for folks using wheelchairs or walkers, , the slopes encountered or the challenge to locate and get to a bench placed some distance from the pathway, sharing this experience with folks who daily deal with situations previously not observed is a needed education. The eventual report, recommendations and list of priorities will be a great asset to the WCNA as we strive to have the Parks accessible and available to be enjoyed by all.

The Naval Reserve Band Concert in the Parks is an activity that continues to be advanced. This 35 member band is preparing to offer an hour long concert on the evening of August 2nd, again in Cindy Drive Park beginning at 7:00 PM. With definitely limited parking on the adjacent streets, please carry your lawn chair and walk to this event, entry via Lakseshore, Parnell or Wilcher Drive will lead you to the site of the concert where the Star Gazing Night is held. . Please be aware there are no bathroom facilities available.  Nearby residents to that area will be receiving a notice in advance of this event so they may plan to attend or make plans to be other than involved while the music is enjoyed.

The slow trickle of water in the Creek is a serious proof of the lack of rain … and certainly many of the trees in the Parks are suffering from this absence of the usual and now much needed moisture. The Creek’s water flow is enough to discourage mosquito development and folks are reminded that keeping containers, birdbaths, or other receptacles in personal yards and gardens devoid of standing water will  seriously help to keep the mosquito numbers down, limiting the threat of West Nile Virus for all.

Good to see the many walkers, joggers, cyclists and dog walkers enjoying the Parks in the early morning and evenings as the heat sure does discourage the normal ‘anytime of day’ Park use. And yes, envy is allowed as one views the many swimming pools in backyards adjacent to the parks!! The playground equipment can get very hot sitting out in the bright sunshine … please check the temperature of the slides and such before encouraging the young ones to enjoy all apparatus.