Monthly Archives: September 2011

September Jottings …

The new playgroiund in Cindy Drive Park has been initiated!!  “Spanky new’ by Friday evening, tested Saturday evening during the Star Gazing Event … wonderful to look at the sky and hear the happy sounds of children playing, discovering, enjoying this new facility!!

The official opening of the playground is now into the planning stage and that celebration will be our October Community gathering, outdoors, in Cindy Drive Park, near the Darby Family Commemorative Plaque … (date and time TBA) … a great gathering place with plenty of trees for shade, equipment to challenge muscles and imaginations and soft mulch to make falling an “OK” activity! No sand or pebbles in shoes to be carried home … “Good idea” says more than one Mother!!

And thanks to WCNA Members Mike, Wayne and Della, the two additional playgrounds in the Parks are now weed free!!  A morning was all it took to return these well used playgrounds to pristine condition … plus we were able to meet some delightful small children with parents and grandparents. Passing folks with dogs stopped to chat … asking if we were City Employees … and were surprised and pleased to know that volunteers are busy in the Parks.

One gentleman pointed out a tree that was leaning on a Memorial Tree and when this information was passed onto the Parks Department, they were immediately on it and by the following morning, had removed the offending tree and cleaned up the Memorial tree … great cooperation for sure.

Suggestion: If you see something in the Parks that needs attention, let us know and we will follow up on it!!

Pumping out a swimming pool onto the grass in the Park behind a home resulted in this damage to the  Park pathway … sadly so. A dangerous situation with erosion making ruts that could easily turn an ankle, upset a bike rider and prove hazardous to folks using walkers, pushing baby buggies. This damage was quickly corrected by the parks staff but was unnecessary … proper disposal of pool water, whether chlorinated or salt based, is not healthy for the grass and plantings in the park. Pool companies should be instructed to dispose of the water on the property owner’s land or in street side sewer locations … but not on the Park!! Water from pools is not healthy for the critters in the Creek and so proper disposal is a must!! Nature may be forgiving … people can help!!

And “Many Thanks to ‘Mainstream”, who cooperate with the City Graffiti Group and have accepted the responsibility of removing graffiti from park structures. Some sad soul tagged a new Memorial Bench leaving big black , ugly letters (???) covering the bench and besmirching  the memorial plaque. A call to the City Graffiti Hotline (905-688-5601, extension 3138) alerts the City, provides notification to Police and arranges for removal of graffiti “tagging” on Parks equipment, City structures and can provide information and a guide to assistance for graffiti removal from private property. Our call to the Hotline one afternoon, saw the graffiti removed before 10:00 AM the following morning … pleasing the WCNA and delighting the family who had donated the Memorial bench.

The annual Star gazing Night was a fine event, well attended and thanks to clear skies, very informative and happy members of the Royal Astronomical Society, Niagara Branch, the faint sky was brought close, the moons of Jupiter were seen and explained and the happy smiles on the faces of all attendees encourages us to “Do this again, please!!’

“Walks in the Parks” have also been a positive series of events. With WCNA leadership and in cooperation with the Parks and Community Service department, these gentle strolls allow even folks familiar with the Parks to be introduced to new information … Strangle Vines, wild grape vines, Creek restoration work and explanations for stone barriers in the Creek, native plants, special tree species, chosen native  plantings that attract insects for pollination, bug control and just plain beauty, are identified.

Three  more “Walks in The Parks” are scheduled for September 29 in Cindy Drive Park, October 6 in Cherie Road Park and October 15 in Malcolmson Eco-Park.  Staring at 10:00 AM from the entrance to the Park on the named Street or Parking area, the Walks provide an interesting hour in this natural gem.

The  cause of the odour at the Grantham Street end of Reach Eight has been further defined. A large storm drain pipe has low spots in its travel to the Creek and it is in these depressions that the material accumulates and on being flushed with heavy rain, flows into the Creek bringing the odour with it. The WCNA is assembling data on the frequency and intensity of this most displeasing odour. Remediation  for this situation is being considered by the City Engineering Department … but as with all things expensive, the 2012 budget will be the defining factor, as any solution does carry a healthy price tag.

And to end on a very happy note … the black, ugly soil barriers installed to protect the Creek during the Restoration work, have finally been removed … delightful and much appreciated! Now nature can do its thing without that barrier!!

Look up … look way up !!

Look up and see what maybe too small for the naked eye!! Saturday September 17th, in Cindy Drive Park at 7:15 PM, the local chapter of the Royal Astronomical Society will be setting up telescopes and encouraging young and old alike to see what may be hidden far above us.

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