A last minute invitation …

A last minute invitation to join the Directors of “The Friends of Walkers Creek… WCNA” on Wednesday, November 13th, at a Community meeting at the Grantham Lion’s Club on Niagara Street, to meet with Jocelyn Baker of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) for a discussion and information session on the “Homeowner’s Stewardship Guide to Walkers Creek”. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Copies of the “Guide” will be available at this meeting. 

Seeing the Parks though the eyes of a professional with experience in natural habitat, water course development and protection and great ideas for expanding the learning opportunities that exist in our community, will be a treat for all interested parties. Find out how you can encourage your Young Ones to find nature and uncover its wonders, become aware of the unique features these Parks contain and join in the discussions as to how all this can be improved, enhanced, made pertinent while also creating a delightful, long lasting natural habitat for birds, animals and people who enjoy the peace of the out of doors. 

Discover how your volunteering can add significant advancements to the quality of the Parks, the enjoyment of the neighbourhoods, learn of the plans ahead for planting, developing and improving areas with simple projects that can be applied to home gardens.  Ands meet your neighbours with their varied interests, skills and insights.