Our Annual Plant Sale

Our Annual Plant Sale is happening Saturday, June 1st at its usual location at 88 Cherie Drive from 8:00 AM to Noon

This is the ideal time to find plants, grown locally, that can add that special item to your home gardens. Most reasonable prices, variety, excellent information from knowledgeable people and helping to fund the many projects the “Friends of Walker’s Creek” … WCNA … undertake in the Parks. In the past, these Plant Sales have purchased park benches, have tagged the various trees, added bushes and plants and continue to make improvements in the Parks for the enjoyment of all. 

We welcome donations of potted plants from all as these form the supply that is available for sale. Donated potted plants can be dropped of at 88 Cherie Drive anytime this  coming week. Because these plants come from local gardens, you can be assured they are well climatized, have found the local climate and conditions ideal for their growth and so adding them to the garden at your home has the greatest possibility of continued growth and prosperity. 

The Plant Sale in 2012 provided over $500 in new funds and we hope this ever increasing income will continue as we look at purchasing special and unique specimen trees to continue to represent the Carolinian forest that was the natural habitat prior to settlement. The Park off Linwell Drive contains the only known example of a “Cucumber Tree” in the Niagara area. There are other such unique and often endangered species that deserve the opportunity to grow and be enjoyed.

The Plant sale is also a great time to meet with the Directors of the “Friends of Walker’s Creek” … WCNA… and share your insights, make suggestions, get excellent advice on local home gardening and be an active part of maintaining and improving the Parks that are such a central delight in Grantham ward. 
