Recent Happenings …

Recent happenings include plans and concerns, plus some joyous recognition of some four footed friends.

Of concern is City Council facing a decision this Monday evening, to change the name of Cindy Drive Park to “Darby Park”, to further recognize the Darby Family for whom a commemorative plaque was installed last year in Cindy Drive Park. Your Directors have taken a position asking Council to deny the request for a name change as it affects the history of the area, the identification of a desirable neighbourhood and diminishes the due recognition for other settler families and War of 1812 veterans, whose accomplishments in the early days are well documented. Such a name change would cost the City an additional $2000 plus and that would be in addition to the City funding, at approximately $3000, for the commemorative plaque, for which  expenditures  for both projects have yet to receive any supportive funding from the applictants. Your Directors have stated that this additional expense could be better used in the Parks that would have greater benefit for more people than the name change would provide.

Immediate plans  include this Wednesday evening’s Communiy meeting at 7:00 PM at the Grantham Lion’s Club, that will add experience, solutuions and information for effective use of your home computer, social media gadgets and will incliude discussion on the effective use of Kijijii and E-Bay.  Please bring your gadgets and laptop computers with you so that our WCNA IT guru can be specific in his responses. 

Mark your calendars … Earth Day will be celebrated on Saturday, April 21 this year. Great plans in Malcolmson Park, with planting, path work and clean-up … with lots of donuts to keep up your energy  … includes the first of their two Plant Sale events. The second plant sale will be held on May 5th.

Pitch In Week, 2012 . the annual spring clean-up of the City, will be held on Saturday April 28th, with demonstrations, entertainment and information booths adjacent to Market Square in the morning and clean -up site sign-in sheets for chosen sites available. Also there will be a free collection of used batteries and electronics at Market Square.

The WCNA will spend the week of April 23 to 28 cleaning the Creek of an enormous amount of winter detritus. Daily work parties will see welcoming groups on the Creek sides and in the Creek gathering the garbage, much of which has deposited due to high winds this ‘winter’ but also careless disposal of litter.

And spring has definitely sprung … ducks in the Creek, Snapping turtles seen , adult bunnies making their appearance, birds galore singing loud and long ‘love songs’ and four footed friends enjoying the warm days, playful spirit and opportunities to greet many more people and children. Quiet, happy, doing somersaults … happy days in the Parks!!