The Advantage of Membership

The advantage of membership in “The Friends of Walker’s Creek’ comes upon us quickly. The annual plant sale at Rice Road Nurseries happens on May 7th and with a current (2013) Membership card, you are entitled to a 25% discount on your purchases that day only.

Plus the $10 membership fee is in fact a donation to assist in the plans and plantings the “Friends of Walker’s Creek” have coming this summer. Working with the City to keep the Parks natural, to see that new plantings reflect the Carolinian forest and to provide additional facilities, your membership fee is income tax deductible ,with the receipt sent to you prior to filing your income tax return. A veritable bargain. Haven’t joined up yet?? … Use the ‘Contact Us” link on this website’s heading … and get involved!!


Thanks to the 23rd St. Catharines Cubs & Scouts, a very successful evening work party saw many trees in the Park protected with added mulch rings. The enthusiasm, energy and happy calls of “I want to do that! “saw a goodly portion of a large pile of City supplied mulch get carried to trees in the South Park by the playground. They arrived ready to work and showed us how much they enjoyed being part of this Park improvement program. They also learned how to plant , setting out  a large number of “Joe Pye Weed” plants which will attract and provide nectar, attracting many Monarch Butterflies this summer and subsequent years. To complete that support, Milkweed seeds were also scattered by the young helpers, providing the perfect place for the Monarchs to lay their eggs, assuring more and more butterflies in the Parks.

Many thanks to Dick Thomas who brought these many helpers and additional leaders and parents to this worthwhile venture. And to “Friends of Walker’s Creek” Vice Chair person, Della Trojan for organizing the event, supplying the young “Joe Pye Weed” plants and the Milkweed seeds.

There are still many trees awaiting this protection from the big mowing machines, while also supporting moisture for these trees should we have another dry summer. Watch for additional work party plans and come join in to help.

The Workers Arrive in force!!
