The Final WCNA Park Walk of the Summer…

The final WCNA Park Walk is upon us. Thursday, September 27, at 10:00 AM, folks can meet at the Cindy Drive entrance to Cherie Park and walk the final park to the Lake. If you have not visited the bluff overlooking Lake Ontario, be sure to bring your camera and enjoy the vista, the openness and perfect place for families to gather and play. With the cooler days, these Walks have been a fun time and a good way to become familiar with the Walker’s Creek Parks as well as meet new folks while learning about  all the hidden and secret items within the Parks.

Malcomson Eco-Park will offer four Thursday morning Walks, 10:00 AM start times, meeting at the entrance to the Eco-Park off Lakeshore Road at the end of Niagara Street, with plenty of parking inside the Park entrance. On October 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, Malcomson Park leaders will share the wonders of this natural area, its unique Learning Centre and its varied habitat. From prairie grasses to a living Carolinian forest, there is lots to see, and plenty to learn about in this Park, with highly knowledgeable leaders showing the way.

The WCNA will be considering some early evening Walks as Autumn colours appear and the familiar parks make the adjustment to the coming cold season. The morning Walks have been well attended, and we do realize that there may be many folks who, because of other commitments, can’t attend in the daytime … so maybe early evenings will be appealing to you and your family. Watch this website for dates, times and locations.

Good News!! The Recreation and Community Services department is planning on creating a  new solid pathway from Grantham to Niagara Streets, bordering the Creek through the old Arboretum. This path will be a nice addition to the pathways and wandering the Arboreteum will be a wonderful pleasure with mature specimen trees showing their beauty, grace and uniqueness.  This pathway will also allow neigbours to take a shortcut to these streets, High School students to Laura Secord Secondary School and a quicker route to the new  Pool and Library, plus bringing folks closer to the Shopping Plaza.  Construction is due to begin shortly … watch for it!!