The Year That Was … The Year That Begins

The Year That Was did have its successes and excitement … completion of the restoration of Walker’s Creek, from Grantham Street to the Lake; tree planting in two parks with two schools; a brand new children’s playground in Cindy Drive Park;  with massive assistance from the City crews, the devastation of the March windstorm, was dealt with effectively and efficiently; the first “Town Hall Meeting in the Park” endured despite it being the hottest day and steamiest evening of August; with assistance from the Niagara Parks Conservation staff, we gained knowledge and reduced the concern for West Nile virus carried by mosquitoes near the Creek; the Reach Eight section of Pearson park was restored and rejuvenated with massive removal of excess bush, correction of the Creek bed and erosion control upgraded, all leading to reduced offensive odours that kept nearby residents in their homes in previous summers; the addition of the Darby Family Commemorative cemetery plaque brought recognition of the early settlers’ lives directly into Cindy Drive Park; The “Walks In The Parks” , organized by RCS and with WCNA leaders, was an effective beginning to exploring the many interesting aspects of this Parkland, its flora, attributes and some of the early history; Community meetings with topics ranging from local history to computer and social media usage; the addition of signage prohibiting motorized vehicles in the parks has now been posted.

And we met a lot of very nice people, walking, jogging, cycling and especially exercising their dogs. Happily, it is very few who do not follow the “Poop and Scoop” practices. We chatted with folks who are mobility challenged and gained a new perspective of their needs and what the Parks offer them .

It wasn’t all roses … areas that have been wet and damp over the years still await correction; some folks do silently use the borders of the Parks as their private dumping grounds; swimming pools emptying onto the parks’ grassy slopes did damage pathways with erosion and we do wish that more of the folks who use and enjoy the Parks would also lend a hand and get involved with the small cadre of volunteers who readily offer energy, hours and assistance in seeing to  those tasks that make Walker’s Creek Parks the envy of many parts of our City.


The Year That Begins … already holds much promise. Beginning with the WCNA Annual General meeting On Tuesday January 31 at the Lions’ Club on Niagara Street, a planned schedule of events, meetings, Plant sales, Yard Tour, “Conversation Cafes” with Brock University on “Does the neighbourhood matter to you?”, more on Computer and social media use, help in planning your spring and summer gardens, and staying aware of City initiatives that may impact on our communities … all topics that lie in front of us and make WCNA Membership a valued asset to community living. The City Accessibility Committee has agreed to do a survey of the WCNA pathways and provide us with recommendations that will encourage and support increased use by people who are mobility challenged. Watch for some Music in the Parks,  Spring and early Autumn “Walks in the Parks’, keep September open for another Star Gazing Night, watch for more cooperation amongst Community Groups and especially Walker’s Creek and Malcolmson Eco-Park, tags on trees so we can distinguish native varieties, shape and sizes, seek out the unique tress and plants found in the Parks … the Year That Begins promises much more and we encourage your participation, involvement and enjoyment!!