Behind the Scenes …

Each first Tuesday of the month, the WCNA Executive group meets for planning, dealing with concerns and discussing future initiatives. Chairperson Ben Hannan. Vice Chairperson Della Trojan, Membership Coordinator Nancy Williams, Recording Secretary Linda Crouch are the official voting Executive members, with Mike Fancy as the WCNA communication and website consultant and Karen Hendle as the representative of the recently added Reach Eight area. These meetings prompt lively discussions, awareness of and seeking answers to members’ concerns, consideration of issues, activities and programs.

With cooperative and effective assistance from Ward Councillors, Bill Phillips and Dawn Dodge, building awareness of the Reach Eight area parks and Creek rejuvenation with Ward Councillors Peter Secord and Greg Washuta, and an open door access to City Departments and staff, the WCNA Executive seeks to build on past successes in making the physical parks attractive, useful and functional while also encouraging community awareness, involvement  and pleasure.

The enhancement of the trails and paths, the improved accessibility to the parks from many entrances, the consideration of a new children’s playground, the addition of doggy stations, stewardship of the Creek and its return to nature, coupled with activities that can bring neighbours together for interesting and engaging activities, all the while seeking those special people with talents that can add to the enjoyment of all … many opportunities exist to find satisfaction and pleasure in the WCNA Parks, while the Executive  seeks to fulfill the mission and mandate of the Walker’s Creek Neighbourhood Association. Creating a more integrated relationship with the Malcomson Eco-Park is but one way  the Executive has chosen to add benefits to the WCNA neighbourhoods.

Suggestions, ideas, proposals and concerns can be readily expressed and will receive attention by the Executive. By email to “”  …  by phone to the WCNA City Hall answering machine … 905-688-5601 extension 1912 .. and by direct contact with any Executive member, your thoughts are wanted, appreciated and actively considered.

Please let us know what you like, what you think would be an improvement and what additional efforts would make the Parks more interesting and pleasurable for you and your family. Being made aware, in a timely manner, of new families joining our neighbourhoods, would be greatly appreciated.