
Meet the Candidates – Grantham Ward

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Join the Friends of Walkers Creek for our traditional Meet the Candidates night.


Date:  Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Time:  7:00pm to 9:00pm
Place: Grantham Lions Club


Hear what your local ward candidates have to say, and ask your own questions during this popular event.


Light refreshments will be provided.  Stop by our table and say “hello” when you arrive!  A great chance to renew your annual membership or find out what other projects The Friends of Walkers Creek have been working on lately!

Click to find your polling station

Click to find your polling station


And VOTE on October 27th !!

Annual Meeting Time

The year slides by so swiftly, regardless of the cold,  the snow, the anticipation of Spring remains strong. And with Spring comes the Annual Meetign of the “Walkers Creek Neighbourhood Association”. 

You are definitely invited!!

The Walkers Creek Neighbourhood Association Annual Meeting will occur on
Wednesday, April 16th at the Grantham Lions Club on Niagara Street, 7:00 PM

A time to report, a time to consider changes, a time to celebrate advances made and a time to look ahead. This may be the year when we see the familiar “WCNA” become better known as “The Friends of Walkers Creek … WCNA”, a name change that will be considered and decided by the members of the Association. Proposed by the Directors, this change of name has been tested over the past year and found to be a positive adjustment, encouraging the inclusion of many more folks, encouraging cooperation amongst other “Friends Of… ” groups within the City and reflecting a desire to see increased usage and enjoyment of the string of Parks that meander alongside Walkers Creek by citizens from every area of the City. 

With many more folks from various areas of the City discovering the Parks , enjoying the calming nature, the interesting pathways and special gardens, the less parochial name reflects that which is happening and which is being reinforced as volunteers from other than Grantham Ward add their energy to the ongoing improvements in the Parks. Building on and adding to the traditional and historic activities of the Association is important and continues to be a focus of planning and activities. 

Of particular interest …. 

Our City’s tree canopy in being threatened, fairly it can be said “The Tree Canopy is in Crisis” as the Emerald Ash Borer and the Long horned Beetle attack common species of trees, causing death which leads to removal. Not only within the Parks, but across the entire City, the much appreciated Ash and Maple summer shade trees are being threatened with little hope of remedial action. A denuded City is not a pleasant prospect. To b well informed, Gavin Pally, our City’s arborist, will be the guest speker at the Annual Meeting, informing , exploring and explaining what actions the City is and will be taking, how you can identify the attacks on the trees adjacent to your home and what action you can take now and in  the immediate future to alleviate the decimation. 

The Annual Meeting welcomes all … please mark your calendar and plan to attend!!

Director’s Meeting Schedule

For those that were wondering, here are the proposed dates for Director’s Meetings for the remainder of 2013 …


All dates occur on a Wednesday. 


June 19
August 21
September 18
October 16
November 20


The June 19th Director’s meeting will be part of the Community meeting proposed to deal with the Zoning Bylaw.

The Advantage of Membership

The advantage of membership in “The Friends of Walker’s Creek’ comes upon us quickly. The annual plant sale at Rice Road Nurseries happens on May 7th and with a current (2013) Membership card, you are entitled to a 25% discount on your purchases that day only.

Plus the $10 membership fee is in fact a donation to assist in the plans and plantings the “Friends of Walker’s Creek” have coming this summer. Working with the City to keep the Parks natural, to see that new plantings reflect the Carolinian forest and to provide additional facilities, your membership fee is income tax deductible ,with the receipt sent to you prior to filing your income tax return. A veritable bargain. Haven’t joined up yet?? … Use the ‘Contact Us” link on this website’s heading … and get involved!!


Thanks to the 23rd St. Catharines Cubs & Scouts, a very successful evening work party saw many trees in the Park protected with added mulch rings. The enthusiasm, energy and happy calls of “I want to do that! “saw a goodly portion of a large pile of City supplied mulch get carried to trees in the South Park by the playground. They arrived ready to work and showed us how much they enjoyed being part of this Park improvement program. They also learned how to plant , setting out  a large number of “Joe Pye Weed” plants which will attract and provide nectar, attracting many Monarch Butterflies this summer and subsequent years. To complete that support, Milkweed seeds were also scattered by the young helpers, providing the perfect place for the Monarchs to lay their eggs, assuring more and more butterflies in the Parks.

Many thanks to Dick Thomas who brought these many helpers and additional leaders and parents to this worthwhile venture. And to “Friends of Walker’s Creek” Vice Chair person, Della Trojan for organizing the event, supplying the young “Joe Pye Weed” plants and the Milkweed seeds.

There are still many trees awaiting this protection from the big mowing machines, while also supporting moisture for these trees should we have another dry summer. Watch for additional work party plans and come join in to help.

The Workers Arrive in force!!






Proposed Changes to the WCNA Constitution

As a result of a further year’s experience with the governing document for the Walker’s Creek neighbourhood association, the Executive recommends the passage and adoption of the following changes to the WCNA Constitution.

Article #2: Mission statement and Objectives
2.02> Add Pearson Park (Reach Eight) to the list of five parks (Walker’s Creek South and North, Cindy Drive Park, Cherie Road Park, Realty Park) previously identified.(3/2011)

Article # 5: Executive Of The Association
5.02> To the elected positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer add Membership Coordinator and Past Chairperson as a non-voting Executive member, based on this person’s willingness to continue and when she or he is not elected to a different elected Executive position.

Article #7: Duties of Executive Officers
7.06> The number of signing Executive officers be reduced from four to three, with any two required on cheques and necessary documents.

Article # 8: Duties of the Executive:
8.01> The use of the words “Community Meetings” replaces the words “General Meetings” when referring to meetings other than the Annual General meeting.

Article # 9: Meetings of the Executive
9.03> The required quorum for an Executive meeting is changed from two to three Executive members
9.05> In addition to the Executive Secretary, the Chairperson is included and able to give notice of a meeting of the Executive in keeping with the provisions of the Constitution.

Article #10: General (Community) Meetings of the Association
10.02> Meetings can be called by the Executive or by 10 members in good standing, a reduction from the previously stated 20 members.
10.03> Quorums of General (Community) meetings shall be 8 members in good standing.

Your comments are always welcome.  These proposed changes will be voted upon at the next general meeting.