Looking slightly back … and planning for the future

Very early Saturday morning,  July 23rd, a sudden heavy flow of water awakened some residents whose homes are close to the Reach Eight section of the Walker’s Creek. Later that same morning, reports of very muddy water further  downstream, raised questions as to where this water might have come from … certainly not rain as the very long, dry period was yet to end. As these midnight gushes of water have happened in the past, seldom in connection with any deluge or significant rainstorm, it was decided to ask the questions of those most probably  in the know. So questions posed, via email,  to the Engineering and Environment Services Department and specifically to the Pollution Control office were sent off and responses are anticipated in the near future.

Perviously, when such a heavy flow of water occurred, an annoying odour often accompanied the washing out of the upstream Creek beyond Grantham Street. This time, the odour was much less noticeable and the residents, who have been denied comfortable use of their back yards due to the invading odour, were pleased to find a change has occurred. The water from storm sewers as far away as the parking lot of the mall at Bunting and Welland comes into the open at the Grantham Street Creek site. Possibilities for  explaining the heavy flow included water lines being flushed, water from some site being dumped in the quiet of the night or some other occurrence yet to be explained  … mysteries sure to be resolved in the coming days!!

Basic research has just begun to identify again the many trees planted within the WCNA Parks as Memorials to family members. Though initially tagged when planted, many of these tags have gone missing and knowing for whom we should be appreciative of the added shade, for the range of species and to continue the Memorial Tribute, we are working with the City Parks Department and with Hulse and English Funeral Homes, who promote this tree planting, to once again identify these trees. Then we will seek ways to better mark these gifts. If you can identify such a Memorial tree, we would welcome your news … please email the information to “wcna.secretary@gmail.com” or leave a message on the WCNA phone line at 905-688-5601 extension 1912.

“Walks In The Park”, a ‘Weather Permitting’ program being developed by RCS and the WCNA now has dates … Thursdays September 8,15, 29 and October 6 … from 10:00 to 11:00 AM, a stroll through different Park areas with knowledgeable leaders will highlight the unusual and interesting aspects of the varied Parks’ natural and added plantings, explain the care being given the Creek to maintain a healthy environment and point out places of interest and unusual species … can you identify a “Cucumber Tree’?? Similar “Walks” will occur in Malcomson Eco-park on September 22nd and October 13. Starting points will be identified, with parking directions, via this website and in the upcoming Leisure Guide from the City.

And do remember to mark your calendar for Saturday, September 17th when the local chapter of the Royal Astronomical Society will hold the “2011 Star Gazing Night” in Cindy Road Park. A fun, educational and interesting time for all ages to become more familiar with close-up viewing of the evening sky, enjoy the enthusiasm of the Society members and their personal discoveries, plus see the array of personal equipment, from simple to very complex , that supports this interest.

The monthly Community Meetings takes a break in August, with the next such meeting scheduled for Wednesday September 22nd at the Lion’s Club on Niagara Street. But the Executive Group does not get a holiday as they will gather on August 9th to plan for the Autumn months and consider how best to incorporate the cooler evenings and days with the seasonal changes in order to maximize the enjoyment of the Parks and neighbourly gatherings.

With the recent departure of Linda Crouch from the Executive Group, and with the position of Treasurer remaining vacant, we are in serious need of some interested and willing people to join the Executive Group and assist in the development and growth of the WCNA association. The Executive group, small by dictates of the WCNA Constitution, can certainly benefit from increased input from willing neighbours. Reviewing the existing Constitution and bringing it more in line with the responsibilities and duties of the Executive, while clarifying the Mission and Goals of the Association, will soon be a ‘work in progress’. An interesting and invigorating time to have your ideas become part of the advancement of this Neighbourhood Association.

Consideration will begin shortly to explore how the WCNA can better use the broad appeal and use of ‘Social Media”. The possibilities of enhancing the communication between and among the Members and the Association prompt this initiative. The City Cultural Committee has recently made a decision to move in this direction as a means to engage more people in the Cultural life of the City … and this addition of means of communicating has definite benefits and appears to be gaining importance within the City operations.

Discussions are underway to have no-cost to the City or the WCNA, work crews to assist in placing mulch about the Park trees in order to reduce weeds and provide protection from the large grass cutting machines now in use. The Human Resources Department and the City Health and Safety Committee are presently reviewing our appeal for such work crews.

Many thanks to various City Department and Crews, who mange to add our requests into their already busy schedules. Quietly and without fanfare, our needs gets addressed and only on seeing the work done after it has happened, do we know of their contribution to our Parks. While we would all like it to happen ‘Today”, we respect other pressures and appreciate the work accomplished on an “As soon as possible” basis. We are fortunate to have the ongoing support of our Ward Councillors and the Departments’ Senior Management teams.