Report of the “Town Hall Meeting In The Park”

Thursday, July 21st proved to be the hottest … and fiercely humid  … day felt in this part of Ontario. Yet, with soggy air, warm winds, and repeated advice on radio and TV recommending people stay at home in AC comfort, nine stalwarts gathered in Cindy Drive Park to engage in conversation with Grantham Ward Councillors Bill Phillips and Dawn Dodge.

Interesting news was shared … a new children’s playground, to be installed in Cindy Drive Park, near the Darby Commemorative plaque and adjacent to where the Star Gazing Night occurs, goes before City Council for budgetary approval and tender finalizing.  This needed children’s playground, a topic that has been mentioned for over two years, is about to be realized. With play equipment specifically geared to  ages groups from three to ten years, this can become an attractive addition for families, for ‘Grands’ enjoying the grand children and for just sitting on the nearby benches to enjoy the laughter and watch the busy fun of the youthful users. Hopefully the installation will be completed before school reopens in September and before the September 17th Star Gazing Night, 2011.

Consideration is being given to re-naming or in some way naming Cindy Road Park to include reference to the Darby Family, further recognizing the original settler family whose cemetery is now noted by the Commemorative Plaque recently installed by the City Heritage Committee. Discussion on this topic , bringing together the RCS and the WCNA  is awaiting an appropriate date.

Discussions with City Department regarding the condition of the pathways and trails and the application of stone dust where needed, continues. And approval has been given for the installation of a ‘Doggy Station’ where appropriate disposal bags will be available. This donation by a member will receive further notice once the unit is installed. In the interim, many thanks Karl for your donation of this desirable addition.

As you wander through the Parks … Cindy Drive Park particularly … watch for the two new cement bases that have been installed by the City. These will soon have Memorial Benches added, providing even more interesting restful areas to enjoy the calm, nature and the babbling Creek. Sounds like a great area to take a good book, sit and read and just have quiet time in busy world.

While greater numbers of attendees from the WCNA Neighbourhoods had been anticipated, it should be noted that when other Wards have held Town Hall Meetings, attendance was far thinner than at our Thursday Night gathering. Many thanks to Councillors Phillips and Dodge for a good evening of conversation and discussion.

And the WCNA Executive group does realize that our choice of meeting dates has  been challenged  by snow, then rain or now excessive heat, we will persevere and hopefully be more successful in scheduling Community Meetings in better weather!