What’s new in July, eh?

Most recent happenings and goings-on in the parks have happy endings.

Among them, new seating and backs on Park benches … fresh, straight, and comfy with promises of long life. The replacement of old, tired and poorly painted wood is continuing, making for attractive places to sit, enjoy and just relax.

Discussions between City Staff and the contractor engaged in the lawn mowing, has produced some desirable results. Being more careful of their large machines coming in contact with trees and shrubs is the positive result of these meetings and new understandings.  Also the ‘hay field’ results of earlier mowing seems to be disappearing as that ‘hay’ gets better mulched and adds to the humus, while giving addition protection and water retention … to the very thirsty open areas!!

An energetic volunteer crew of four adults and one grandson, under the watchful eye of Della Trojan, WCNA Vice Chair,  transformed the buffer area at the Costen entrance from a  weed patch into an more open area, with trees and bushes mulched, many, many burdocks dug out and removed, and miles of creeping vines also removed. Interesting bushes, both planted and naturally occurring, have re-appeared in the refreshed space. Thanks to the City’s Lake Street workers for delivering the mulch and carting away the detritus. More work parties are being planned and the website will let you know when, where and how you can get involved …. many hands make for light work … nicely in the early morning on hot days!!

The deep ruts left behind by construction equipment in the Reach Eight Creek area between Niagara and Grantham Streets, have disappeared … smoothing the area is making for easier walkers passage, though a request to consider an accessible quality  pathway of substance in that area is on the ‘yet to be decided’ list with the Parks Department.

“Patience” is the watchword … we are waiting to see the removal of the necessary but unattractive black plastic erosion pollution barriers in areas where work was undertaken early this year. The contractor has some items awaiting completion and we hope this item is high on that list. Also, seasonal patience is necessary as replanting in some bare areas where construction took place, must now await autumn when grass sprouts more strongly with greater potential for continued growth. We’ve noted some bushes that were planted this spring have failed to settle in and so we will be looking at appropriate replacement materials, especially  in the area where  the Creek redirection happened.

Early morning walkers, with and without dogs, plus cyclists, stop and tell me how they like what’s happening in the parks. Yes, the wet pathway areas, dry now thanks to the weather, do need additional materials, yes, the bigger stone , not stone dust, on the slope to the new bridge over the waste water pipe is a mistake which makes walking and cycling more difficult and the reports of garbage cans filling are duly noted… though there has been a significant improvement over earlier this year. Communication with the RCS and TES has resulted in responses that they are aware of the situation and will be dealing with them. Thanks to Bill Phillips for his action on our behalf on these issues.

Dog walkers are reminded that the WCNA Parks are not leash free areas … long leashes are a good alternative for active dogs … and that at the request of many bunnies feeding on the clover in the early mornings!! “Poop and scoop” bylaws are in affect … and positively respectful of those who follow. As evidenced by the materials in the garbage barrels, many are being respectful  … so only a few need to heed this comment!!

We are very much looking forward to the “Weather Permitting, Town Hall Meeting in the Parks” with Grantham Ward Councillors Bill Phillips and Dawn Dodge. Elsewhere on this website you can see all the pertinent information of this event.

And, Jennifer McQuillan of the RCS has plans for “Walks in The Parks” in September. With knowledgeable leaders from the WCNA, these walks through different Parks, scheduled over four weeks in September, will provide an in-depth appreciation of what nature, and in some cases with helping hands, has given us in these unique and quite different parklands. These walks will be “Weather Permitting ” events.

It was with regret that the WCNA Executive has recently accepted the resignation of Linda Crouch from the Executive group, where she acted as the WCNA Recording Secretary. A founding member, a wealth of knowledge of the historic background and experiences of the WCNA, Linda’s insights, recommendations and suggestions will be missed by the Executive. Linda continues as  a Member and we anticipate her continuing input. Extended family demands made this difficult decision a necessity for Linda.

Finally, many thanks to the drivers who stopped well back from thee Mother Duck and her nine siblings, waddling across Linwell Road in the Ina Grafton Gage Village area one recent evening. Yes, they all made it safely into the Creek for their pre-bedtime swim!!